Marsha Pund
Vice President and Managing Editor
Marsha is a content strategist, media relations expert, editor, writer, and former newspaper journalist with 25 years of experience developing content for some of the country’s most-read publications and iconic corporate brands. Her work has focused on government, transportation, technology, gaming, education, health, and ESG/corporate sustainability.
Marsha leads IBEX Partners’ Awards and Rankings program, helping corporations achieve business objectives, protect against financial risk, and enhance corporate reputation. Under her direction, IBEX Partners has helped Fortune 500 corporations secure prominent awards, improve analyst rankings, and customize strategies to meet their reputational goals.
Marsha also helps corporate, trade association, and government clients prepare for interaction with U.S. and international media. As a former journalist, Marsha provides counsel to IBEX clients to effectively navigate today’s complex media landscape. She also coaches clients to anticipate challenging questions and prepare the strongest responses to ensure media coverage that drives business outcomes.
Before joining IBEX Partners in 2018, Marsha served as communications director of Compass Communications, a California-based public relations firm. There she managed content creation for Domtar, a pulp, paper and personal care company, and the Ford Motor Company Fund, the philanthropic arm of the Ford Motor Company. Marsha worked as a senior writer at GTB from 2014 to 2017 where she developed high-impact print and visual content for the Ford Motor Company. Prior to joining GTB, Marsha worked for more than 20 years in journalism including an 8-year stint at the Detroit Free Press where she covered breaking news, investigations and was part of an award-winning, environmental-reporting team.
Marsha was born and raised in Michigan. She and her husband, Daniel, have two daughters.